Back before the Galactic Empire was created, was the dark ages where the Sith roam free of all restrictions and no master meaning no apprentices. Sith were limited by number but not by power unless there was the Jedi order. The order were civilised and fought elegantly with strength. One could say the order was the Sith's weakness and strength as fallen Jedi fall to the Dark side of the Force. A vie was created between the two. The Jedi bringing peace and the Sith creating chaos. That was until a peace treaty was held but not sanctioned. Through out the Galaxy, rumours spread that war was waging. The grand master was paranoid and wanted the upper hand against the Sith. You are a Jedi, will stick with the Order or grow tired of their ways and fall to the Dark side. Name: Age: Race: Appearance: Rank: Sith Or Jedi (Grand Master of Jedi Order and Emperor of Sith available) Lightsaber: description or picture or both Bio: Extra: (Optional) anything extra or random things like extra skills or hobbies or pets A bit lazy to write a list so just google what the Sith or Jedi ranks are.