Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlXlIJ0P0IlXlI, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. So I was sadly day dreaming about PimD while watching South Park's "World War Zimmerman" episode.

    So I was daydreaming about wars and how to make em fun and I had this idea........ A system strip farm war. Basically, a normal system war but strip farming is allowed.

    So two clubs. 12-24hr System war. No outside hits/strips. But it's more of a knockout in one war. Whoever can't take the heat leaves the club and can't rejoin. After a player leaves war no more hits/strips. Whoever is left at the end wins. If more than one person remains, whichever club has highest plunder (obviously) wins.

    It's crazy and stupid and weird and stuff but I think it'd be fun if you're not too worried about your tb.

    What's your input on this?
  2. illl happily join 
  3. but what if owner wants to quit?
  4. Pass ownership along? Lol idk.

    Maybe have an alt as owner. Idk. It's just an idea 
  5. Go back to dreaming jopo
  6. Barely anyone would join.
  7. Great idea!

    But not many will join
  8. What if I have no tuts?
  9.  I'd join
  10. Wait! I'm on my alt  ForeverAlice would join.
  11. I'd join o.o Although I barely have any tuts lol.
  12. Sign me up bro
  13.  Jopo. If you want a sfw you can just farm someone who is active. ?
  14. What happens at the end of the war? Do people get to hire their tuts back or?

    I mean, if you're gonna have a sfw, you wanna strip their tuts to weaken them in order to get weaker members to hit too right? That way you can make more plunder and win the war.

    But if its just a sfw where you keep the tuts you took or something then i dunno lol.
  15. I'm in haha, both accounts
  16. I can't be stripped no tutors, MUAHAHA