Spit vs Swallow

Discussion in 'Wars' started by KG_BAM, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. Has there ever been a war of spitters against swallowers?
  2. I'm a spitter ;D
  3. Spitting or swallowing what? 

    Gasoline is a definite spit.
    5-cheese lasagna is absolutely swallow.

    Be specific!
  4.  omg this is not okay
  5. Bill u r one dirty dude...
  6. Definitely swallow hamburgers. Like a boss 
  7. Let's say the first thing that comes to mind determines would determine your side lol
  8. But has there ever been a war?
  9. so which side are you on?
  10. Depends how much im being paid
  11.  beautiful answer
  12. I just don't know which one is the less of the two evils (sort of speak):

    Wedding wars or Wars with stupid themes??
  13. So nobody is gonna answer my question?
  14. the latter of the two obviously. its getting more people warring.
  15. somehow i doubt there has been 
  16. My fiancé swallows.......marshmallows  lol
  17. Spitters are quitters.
  18. 
  19. ?Ummm, I swallow. Why would I spit out water? 
  20. This a hilarious topic good job!! 