Sparkle. [EP1]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-Ayano-Fire-Konachan- (01), Oct 31, 2011.

  1. This is a story of a fictional girl having alot of insecurities. Many of you may relate to this. Hope you like it 

    January 1, 2011 (Monday)
    Dear Diary,
    Today I experienced moving to a new school
    I came to school looking like that. My name is Sparkle but people make fun of me because I have pimples. I'm not a good drawer too :(

    I made a new friend and she was nice to me :) Her name is Noah and she's tall and smart. The complete opposite of me :|

    I have a few moles and warts on my face. People call me witch and I got really hurt :(

    I think I might survive around here.
    January 2, 2011 (Tuesday)
    Dear Diary,

    I feel stupid :(
    Noah was just a poser. PHONY POSER, BTW!!

    She just wanted to take a picture of me and make fun of me with her friends when I'm not around. =•_•=!!!

    I found out when I was hanging around at my locker which was near the auditorium. Then I heard giggling noises and I peeked inside. I'm so mad at this world right now!!

    January 3, 2011 (Wednesday)
    Dear Diary,

    My talk with Noah didn't go as expected. She made me throw a hissy fit. ARGHHHHH!!!!!

    I just want to kill her!

    I mean, not literally, but the good-vibe kind of way.

    Today another 4 pimples popped up :(

    As usual, teasing me would be on everyone's schedule. Coming early=teasing, coming late=more teasing.

    >=[ I haaate theem!

    [EP2] Out on 1st November!

    What will happen?! You decide.
  2. Sparkle, use SK2 face cleanser.

    Please post your story on fan fiction too. Thank you. 
  3. lol 

    Sorry guys no emojis in her diary
  4. Pimples popped out from her face n noah was killed by sparkles.
  5. Post this on Fan Fiction 
  6. Bump. Keep this active.

  7. Bumped like a bumper car.