Someone be my PIMD guide

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BearyToxicHoe, May 7, 2021.

  1. I feel like I don’t know how to play this game at all 🤧🤧🌚
  2. There’s no one way to play this game. There’s no single objective that the tutorial guides you towards either, so I understand that it can be confusing. You have the freedom to play however you like and can create your own goals to work towards.

    You can:
    - Collect items (e.g., all the furnitures, create a specific collection like all yellow items or all food items)
    - Raise your stats as fast & as high as possible. This seems to be what a lot of players strive for.
    - RP & socialize. You do you.
    - Buy & Sell. Trading is a huge aspect of this game and with a market that resembles the real world economy, it can get pretty addicting.
    - PvP. There are always ppl hosting wars and plenty of friends on the battle list.

    There’s definitely more things you can do in this game but I’ll just leave it at that.
    -_Hope_- likes this.
  3. That's a very good sunmary @Soy 💕 If you need further assistance, feel free to wall me (I'd like to avoid all the random adds, thanks). I'll follow back and help you further 😊 this goes for anyone who needs help, not just OP. Pls do however wall me first, before following 🙋‍♀️