solution to lack of wars

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BS-Brad-, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. So as I sit here with my morning paper (forums) and eating chick fil a I notice a continued amount of "support" threads for wars.. I mean this in the nicest possible way.. You're all idiots.

    Step 1 click on a club
    Step 2 click war
    Step 3 pick 4 hour 12 hour or 24 hour

    They never removed wars they just added parties and all of you being the puppets that you are participate so you can get the stat bonus items..

    Stat items = tb
    Tb = tutor bonus

    Even the old school players a lot of you are my friends however, most of you have turned into puppets as well. I've asked you to merc in wars and "I can't I have money sitting out and in a party"

    Or "the hunt doesn't end for a few days"

    Stop supporting whining for war threads and start declaring wars on other clubs. It's really not complicated.

    Wars are not for the weak minded they require skill and extreme team work. You can't just unload and expect someone else to finish the party.

    Types of wars

    Locked roster - once war starts doors are locked and nobody comes in the club.

    Open wars - doors stay open and people join sides to keep the war even.

    Merc war - doors stay open and people call their friends in order to potentially destroy the opposers.

    What about money and bonuses?
    You make money each hit just like on bl however, the winning team gets a big bonus based off of your performance kinda like parties.

    If you wanna party then by all means party it doesn't affect me in any way but if you wanna eat then do it don't talk about it.

    If you have any questions or want help setting up your own war let me know I will assist you in any way I can.

  2. I feel this exact way. o_O but some clubs don't war cause majority of members wanna party. But yeah.

    Oh cool I'm first :)
  3. Hmmm I'm enlightened
    omylawd why the poop #? '-'
  4. That's the point wars ain't giving stuff we getting items to boost us in war but they are killing the game with b2b hunts
  5. I like this thread. ?
  6. This

  7. No the point is the stat items are meant for help with pvp stat items don't do a damn thing for you in a party. You are going to succeed every single hit regardless your stats, your rs or your stat items.
  8. Nobody invites me to wars...  I have to hunt for wars...
  9. Agreed!!! Besides warring with money put isnt the end of the world.... its only fake money
  10. Good Work on this thread!

  11. Haha I remember begging people to borrow tutors in order to hide money so I could join wars
  12. Two things wrong with your post.
    1. 99% of these wars are or turn into an open merc.
    2. If you think you have to hunt for a war, I can only imagine how difficult these party hunts must be for you.

  13. I was gonna say same thing... Past 2yrs+ you can have a monkey lead both sides of war, makes no difference anyways, if all the last min mercs join up a particular side...maybe wars 3+ years ago required some strategy, but after dead dolls/DRM ERA, they've all just been a crapshoot..
    You can lie to yourselves and think there is strategy involved, if it makes one feel better ️

    So for me, system wars ceased being fun long ago...not when luck is the biggest factor...
  14. Read what I said slowly cuz they help u in wars to get stat items we gotta party and or hunt

  15. Stat items can be bought and or gifted ? also read my original post stat items = tb you really think we warred without boosted stats back in the day? Before parties? Come on now
  16. these aren't real hunt do the party animal hunt...