Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Sleepyhead, Jul 4, 2015.

  1. How much money does solo cc (including the 2x promo) give you?
  2. i make 2cents fh when party over I make $1 :(
  3. Wow I really thought solo cc would pay so little. Thanks guys! Now I know solo cc would be really worth it! 
  4. Depends on how much you have invested in tutors. Ive seen between 650b up to 820b.
  5. 1T and a bit if you care pack it
  6. I would think it would gain you Pimd money, but actually lose currency that you could use in your daily life.
  8. 600-750b lcbc.
  9. I watched a lcbc make 1.23T solo
  10. i saw a low stat not even close to bc make 1.45t like wth :lol:
  11. With both the care package and the promo ythe higest ive seen was a lcbc make 1.33t, ive also seen a non bc make 1.25t
  12. My concern is how much money ata gets from a solo cc.
  13. I have a 4.6mcs alt that made 820b+ on solo without care pack. So it could be more than 750b.
  14. I made 1.4t per solo with care pack. ?
  15. Your name says you're Asian, do the math ?
  16. Thanks everyone!
  17. Well damn. I wonder how much money is spent on dns for solos lol. What's the range for the number of dns necessary to complete a solo CC?
  18. 45 dns that Ive heard of