Society and Pop-Culture: Vampire Edition

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Yuan47, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. A long time ago, writing literature meant putting one's heart and soul into their work. Writing novels was a task done by writers out of enjoyment and out of love for expressing themselves through ink and paper.

    Welcome to Society and Pop-Culture: Vampire Edition.

    When you come across the word "vampire" what do you imagine?
    Perhaps the ever-classic vampire from Miss Anne Rice's novels?
    Where vampires had fangs, were in no way "vegetarians", burned when exposed to sunlight, and the old method to repel them was through crucifixes and garlic?

    Or, do you think of fangless, vegetarian, glittering, emotionally unstable vampires? (Oh, you know where I'm going with this.)

    Stephanie Meyer....really? You're work--no substance. Why it got popular? Because you had an empty character that almost any tween (and granted, some adults) could put themselves into and "save" the overly "suave" hero who had deep internal conflicts.

    Meyer should have left the cliché to Disney. At least when Disney does it, the product is still a classic. When Meyer does it... 

    Anyway, so to the public I ask, WTF is in the Twilight series that makes you want to take your panties off? And to those who can relate? How do you deal with someone like that? 

    "Leave your interesting and creative responses in the comment section...BELOW."

    This is Yuan, ranting on society and pop-culture: Vampire edition. And I, approve this message.

    Topic was brought up by a debate in cc, so I thought I'd extend it here. 
  2. Vampire boys are smezii
  3. Not the vampire boy thing  the thread
  4. Cheers, Zow. To being in the right mind! 
  5. Shud up! There the Shiz!
  6. They are by means the "shiz" 
  7. (By no means)
  8. Yep, Shiz they are. 
  9. Shiz in the literal sense 
  10. Stop dissing on vampires!
  11.  Calli. I'm not dissing on vampires. Classic vampires. I'm dissing on Meyer's spawn of sissy vampires.
  12. No one is "dissing" on vampires  read the thread again  all that's being said is that vampires from the twilight series are a motherfudging disgrace 
  13. Lmao Zow. 
  14. Chewbacca
  15.  Thread a agreed on by Danzo vegetarian vampries = BS, defeats whole purpose
  16. Here here 