Snow White: The Real Story

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *AngelSweets (01), Oct 30, 2012.

  1. FYI...this isn't anywhere near the real story, Lol.

    Snow White's POV

    I smile at my mother, and she smiles back at me, a smile that warms me down to my toes and calms my soul.

    "I brought you something darling" she said, her voice like heaven to me. Reaching into her dress pocket, she pulled out an apple. It was red and juicy and you could tell it was at the perfect time to eat it.

    I took it softly and held it between both of my hands. I had forgotten The Witch. I had forgotten that my people were down there fighting. I had even managed to forget about Prince Eric. And I also ignored the uneasy feeling that I had, and that I felt a dangerous vibe off the apple.

    For once, it was just me and my mom.

    Prince Eric's POV

    I swung my sword at the soldier beside me. He answered my sword with his own, swinging it upwards as he blocked my shot. I growled a warning at him and put all my strength in my sword.

    His eyes narrowed under his helmet and he pushed his sword against mine. My heels dug in the muddy dirt as I refused to give up. Around us Snow White's followers and The Witch's followers battled each other.

    The stench of death was almost suffocating as soldiers dead bodies lay around.

    Suddenly my fighter feet slipped in the mud, causing him to fall forward. I couldn't catch myself from the suddenly missing of weight. My body crashed to the ground beside him, but I kept a death grip on my sword.

    Remembering my training, I roll to the side, away from the solider. Rolling onto my back, and jump up on my feet into a low crouch. A flicker beside me catches my attention and before the solider could bury his sword through my back, I swing my own sword and catch him in his heart, my eyes locking with his.

    His eyes widen in surprise and pain. He drops to his knees and I catch his weight. I keep my sword into his heart as I see his soul drain out of his body. I close my eyes and send a small prayer to our God.

    When I open my eyes I catch a faint look of shame and fear in the solider's eyes, but as quick as it came, it disappears and leaves behind dull, lifeless eyes.

    With a grunt, I pull my sword out of the soldiers flesh. I scrunch my nose up when the smell of blood and death catches me.

    Turning away, I scan the crowd for Snow White. The last time I saw her, she was fighting someone by the door of the castle.

    Quickly, I sprint toward the door of the castle, jumping over the soulless bodies.

    Once inside the castle, I enter into the middle of the castle. In front of me is the spiral staircase, going both left and right. To my left is a hallway and to my right is another hallway.

    Standing up taller, I make my way toward the right staircase, then I hear the click-clack of heels down the right hallway. My head turns and I clench my teeth when I notice The Witch.

    Her skin was radiant and her smile was beautiful, the bloody red dress she was wearing made her look like an angel, or a devil more like. She truly was beautiful though, I don't see why I chose Snow White over her.

    Blinking, I realized what was happening. She was using her magic on me, a charming smell. Quickly, I closed my eyes and thought of Snow White. Her beautiful lips, her sparkling eyes, her warn heart.

    When I felt that the Witch's magic was fading, I turned back toward her. She was lifting a perfectly arched eyebrow at me.

    "Where's Snow White?" I demanded.

    The Witch stared at me for a while and I could feel her charm, but I only had one heart and it was reserved for Snow White.

    As if hearing me, the Witch pursed her lips and pointed down the hallway she just came.

    "She's down there, hopefully you can catch her before her last breath" she says, her smile no longer sweet and kind, but dangerous and mocking.

    Panic sweep through my body and I took off running, hoping that the Witch was lying and this was one of her tricks.

    Snow White's POV

    I stood in the middle of the room, lightly throwing my apple from hand-to-hand. Mother had said she'd be back, she had unfinished business with the Witch.

    Sighing, I looked down at my reflection in the gleaming apple. I had raven black hair and skin as white as snow. Some say it'a a blessing, I say it's a curse.

    Suddenly my stomach growled and my mouth watered at the thought of one bite from the apple. I held it up to my lips and instantly a joint of joy shot through my body.

    Smiling, I opened my mouth and bite into it.

    Prince Eric's POV

    I took another left and kept running. My heart was beating against my chest and I gripped my sword, scared to see what lay ahead. Finally I cam upon my fourth left and I pecked around the corner.

    There she was, her armor lay beside her on the floor. She was standing up and from where I was looking, she looked like she was eating something.

    Letting out a sigh of relief, I came from behind the corner and walked down the hallway.

    Snow White's POV

    I heard footsteps and I turned around, still chewing on the apple. It was delicious, and my body hummed with satisfaction.

    When I turned around, I saw Eric. His soft brown hair was filled with black dirt. His face had a few cuts on it and I winked when I saw the blood running down his arm.

    Getting ready to smile, I swallowed the sweet apple and my mouth took a step froward. I tried to take in a deep breath, but I couldn't.

    I couldn't breath.

    Prince Eric's POV

    She was chewing on an apple. She looked stunning as if she was just a painting, or a dream.

    I watched her swallow the apple down and take a step froward. I smiled, and started walking toward her.

    Then she froze, her eyes wide with fear. I stopped too, wondering if this was one of The Witch's tricks.

    Snow White's hands flew up to her neck and she gripped it as her mouth flew open as she gasped for air.

    She couldn't breath.

    Snow White's POV

    I tried to force air in my lungs, but I couldn't. Suddenly, I pain ripped through my body.

    I fell to the ground.

    Prince Eric's POV

    She fell, I ran.

    Snow White's POV

    I couldn't breath and my body was on fire.

    Prince Eric's POV

    As soon as I reached her, I dropped to my knees. I picked her up in my arms and called her name. I notice the apple fall from her hands, and I gasped.

    Instead of the bright, and smooth apple, it was now a fuzzy and grayish-blackish looking apple.

    My mind flew to only one person who wanted to poison Snow White. The Witch.

    Snow White's POV

    Was this what death felt like? Did the Witch finally take away my last breath? Was that lady who gave me the apple even my mother?

    But before I die, maybe I should start from the beginning. Hi, I'm Snow White.
  2. Prince Eric is Ariel's prince! BUT LOVE IT
  3. He is? Ugh, I feel stupid now. Lol
  4. Dont think your stupid it doesnt matter  its AMAZING its thrilling i can wait for u to update  BUUUUMMP!?
  5. Bump! (I don't think they ever mention the prince's name in the story and is this kind of like 'Snow White and the Huntsmen?')
  6. Love it! Bump update soon please x