
Discussion in 'Clubs' started by sherlockmysterydetective, May 4, 2019.

  1. Which dragonborn one handed does the most damage
  2. I didn't study for this :cry:
  3. Its fine i already know
  4. Which one was it?
  5. Pretty sure the mace does the most damage but it’s slower

    I use swords
  6. None they’re all weak
  7. be a mage.
    problem solved.
  8. Go as a stealth archer.
    I think it's the Daedric Sword because you attack faster so you have more DPS. Not entirely sure though :(
  9. The Dragonborn mace?
  10. 2 handed weapons the best!!
  11. I use dragonborn sword and shield
  12. Does like everyone except for me on this app play Skyrim or something
  13. I do im a nord level 55
  14. I use the 2 handed weapons. They do the most damage for me
  15. Maces do most damage then war axes then sword. Maces swing slow but in Skyrim one handed perk tree there’s a perk that allows duel wielded one handed to swing up to 30% faster.
  16. Yea my one Handed one is 100
  17. I prefer Fable.
  18. Support. Lol