You're trapped in a restroom belonging to the opposite gender (they lured you through gummy bears? ). What do you do? -There's a body of someone passed out from drunkenness on the floor. - there's a pair of sicssors on the floor. - there are two live, talking chickens moonwalking... Around . - you have a 1 dollar bill in your back pocket. - there happens to be a chess set lying in one of the cubicles. Other than you and the unconscious being, there is no one in the building and the nearest town is so far away that you'd have to take three aeroplane flights just to get there.. And there isn't even an airport nearby.. You're also starving to death and there's no water running in the taps. no one can save you from outside and the drunk person ain't going to wake up anytime soon. Oh.. And you also left your phone at home and you might suffer from PIMD withdrawals if you don't get back home soon. Just out of boredom. Wonder how you would answer If you think this thread is not worth your time, ignore it and move on. I'm a noob at this so.. I'll be in my little corner... Waiting..
Cool thread Kill the chickens and eat them raw, then play chess with the other person when they wake up until someone arrives.
You were drowning.. In the dead sea (in a spot where you actually can drown) spiderman saw you and kindly webbed you out. He was webbing you home when he saw MJ and lost hold of you. Poor you flew miles and miles away from home. Then you saw a trail of gummy bears.. And you thought 'why not?' - this eventually led you into the restroom that locks itself..
Np. @badboy but.. You're going to have PIMD withdrawals by then! Who knows what kind of monster you'll turn into by the time the other person wakes up? Btw, raw chickens can make you sick i don't know if theres such a thing as mad chicken disease but im sure there's one called salmon something..
@badboy, how do you suppose cobwebs all over exist? I'm sure the spiders didn't make those themselves
Hehe yes now I know. Ah, easy. You didn't mention the other person not having a cellphone, so I'll take that person's handphone and call someone to drive over. And also steal the drunk person's wallet and steal his fifty bucks.
Rip two wood pieces from idk where, rub them together to make fire, cook the chickens, poke the unconscious person, and leave with all the chicken food without them
Lmao. What are you going to include in it? that you'll turning into a raw chicken eating monster?
As gross as this is chicken poop is sterile cuz they don't eat meat. Eat the chicken poop. Then use the scissors to unlock the door. Chances are your in the desert. Take off your glasses and make a torch out of the dollar bill to be saved. While waiting A) if your still hungry eat some eggs B) play chess with the drunkard