I guess that's the question. 10 months after separating from my wife of 5 years, and about 10 blind dates, 5 non blind dates later, and I find it hard to make a commitment. Maybe it's more of being a bit gun shy. Of course it does not help how dramatically forward the ladies are on here, plus the under 17 crowd( I thought this game was for over 17) don't seem to get that I'm not interested in being their older lover or that sexting ain't a hobby, its more of a disease. Anywho, it's early in the morning and I'm trying to figure a way out of a picnic that a nice girl from my building has planned for us today. It's not that I don't like her, she is cute, it's just that she vegetarian...... I guess I am a bit too picky.
=_= Vegetarian? Why not introduce her to some other... Diet? Like vegan? Maybe? It's close to vegetarian. ._.
Be honest with her. If she can't be around you while you eat anything with meat then that's not really gonna work out. But if she ever needs some meat let her know where you keep a spare key? -Cough-Chloe-Cough-
Maybe dont focus on looking for a replacement so soon? Just do what you always do. Yeah, getting your sucks big ones, but trying to look for something to replace what you lost won't help matters much: it'll only end up suffocating you and reopening things that you're trying to forget. Day at a time and no need for rushing to find another lady. It'll only end messily And you should love being single atm, because it can be used as an assessment time of what you want? I dunno, just my two cents from experiences
Ah DES you know only Elle can fix my heart lol. I'm not rushing. But it seems that everyone around me has a vested interested in me dating them or their friend. And yes she knows I am not a vegetarian. She just wants to try to convert me.
She shouldn't wanna change you. If anything if she likes you she would be the one trying to change. Meat her at another time since this veggie picnic seems awfully bothersome.
Tell her you' be a vegan. ._. I'm trying to convert into a vegan, but it's so damn hard to resist the delicious taste of meat. ;n; Oh well. I'll stay a ornivore (?) forever. ._. ---- Don't judge me. Forgot how to spell that damn word. >_>
Mas has a point. =_= Ditch that girl and find another one. ._. You'll meet her one day. Either in a dark abandoned alley or in starbucks. ._.
Hopefully he meets her in a well lit setting. We want him to go home with a princess not a alley cat. Come on Chloe, he has class.