Silver Nitrate

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by WhoTfIsWesday, May 30, 2019.

  1. Is both a blessing from the gods and deserves a special place in hell.
    For those who donut know, it's a stick thing they apply to cuts that bleed a lot or are taking forever scab and it forces a chemical reaction to make your wound almost instantly clot and stop bleeding. It's also painful af and the entire doctor's office heard me scream.

    Anyway, I thought I would share since I didn't know modern medicine had come so far and had intended to just bleed out until either I died or my body realized it wasn't okay to just keep bleeding like that and scabbed over. If you have bad cuts go to the medi centre and experience the horrors I have just experienced to speed along to healing process.
  2. How'd you cut yourself?
  3. Work again. Chef was yelling at me while I was chopping things and my hand slipped :c am stupid
  4. Did it hurt more than the actual injury?
  5. Yes, actually. But at least I'm not changing my gauze every two hours anymore cuz it keeps bleeding through
  6. How long did the pain last? Was the procedure a quick one, sort of like getting a vaccine? Or was it more like how long it takes to get blood drawn?
  7. It was very quick. The immediate pain lasted a few seconds and then for maybe a few minutes after there was a slightly less painful stinging. It has a slightly numb soreness to it now but it's nowhere near as bad as the few seconds when the swabs is actually touching the injury
  8. That's really cool. Would probably be super expensive in the U.S. though. :( I'm afraid to look it up.
  9. In chem labs in uni you use silver nitrate kinda often. It's also reallllyy good at staining skin brown-black for an extended period, to which I can attest to.
  10. Apparently you can buy a pack (40) of the applicators over the counter for $20 Canadian so I imagine it wouldn't be too costly if you got one done at an american medi centre
  11. :c I'm okay if it stains my wound ig. I won't notice/I'd rather a stain than a month-long injury
  12. In culinary school one of the chefs called the scars from these such accidents "dumb shït marks." I'm not calling you a dumb shït, but reading that I said to myself..."oh, a dumb shït mark"
  13. That's funny. It reminds me of the first time I burned myself the chef came up and clapped my back and was like "now you're officially one of us" (they're all older dudes with 10+ years experience). Since apparently occasional injuries just come with the field, as stupid as they are
  14. They've threatened to use that stuff in my nose because of nose bleeds. ? Hasn't happened yet thank goodness...

    Chef yelling is no fun. ? No fun at all. I hope you heal quickly!
  15. Nose bleeds have nuffin to do w cuts though ? what would that accomplish

    And thank you
  16. I’m glad you’re okay now though lovely :( sorry about your accident at work, I hope your boss eases off you for a little bit.
  17. Thank you ? And he probs won't, he has a terrible temper and yells about everything. He actually yells at me the least since I'm the youngest and the only girl. O wells
  18. This explains it far simpler than I could:

    My mom had to have it done. Said it hurt like the Dīckens.
  19. ^ Have you ever had to have nasal tampons put in? Those things look uncomfortable af
  20. Yea. They're more comfortable than real tampons, tho, lol.