Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-Ava-Jasmine- (01), Sep 28, 2011.

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  1. How I love being silenced

    Bloody hell what did I do to deserve this

  2. Stop making fail threads 
  3. Bub you bypassed Hun 
  4. Yep but only because I got frustrated. He was being mean. So I was mean back
  5. So when do u get unsilenced......I'll give it another shot :)
  6. Btw I wasn't being mean. I was introducing u to reality
  7. Drake 
  8. I got silenced! >:0
    Idea! 
    I'll spam forums. :D

    Let's not. :/
  9. Yes maybe I should 
  10. You might as well delete pimd now if you do. If your perm silence and forum silence, you'll be an easy farm for ppl your stats.
  11. Thanks Rose  you gave her a idea!
  12. Who is that? Your mom 
  13. That is me. You wanted a pic so there you go
  14. is that your butt?
  15. No thats a picture of my belly. If your 5 then you probably won't know there is a baby in there, so im just telling you
  16. That's just your bottom part (if you know what I mean)
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