Hey I was just silenced and I didn't post anything on anyone's wall or cc for about 10 hours and I am really mad because I don't know what I did and it's my third time being silenced. If anyone knows please tell me
Don't bother. You were silenced for sharing your ID of a third party application on a players wall along with about 8 others less that two hours ago.
You posted it two hours on there wall. Please feel free to email support but they will tell you the exact same thing I just have.
No I was at my friends house watching a football game and my iPod was at my house and my brother was at home.
I am always honest on here. The first two times I got silenced it was my fault. And after I was silenced the second time I made sure I didn't say or do anything stupid.
:3 Sometimes people gotta listen to the whole "brother"/"sister" story. What if he is telling the truth? Some people gotta listen to others before they open their mouths and become ignorant. Well than Tyler I have a question..How does your brother have your ID for this third party app?
Oh eh I see. Well you should have told him the rules to this game..! If you would have told him than maybe you wouldn't have been perm silenced.
Or post anything on this game. I'm just mad cuz I was talking to a couple people and I won't be able to talk to them anymore
Well..now you know. Especially since mods are very hardcore now-a-days. It's hard for anyone to get away with stuff.