silenced :(

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *crazylegsman (01), Sep 19, 2011.

  1. Hey I was just silenced and I didn't post anything on anyone's wall or cc for about 10 hours and I am really mad because I don't know what I did and it's my third time being silenced. If anyone knows please tell me
  2. Don't bother. You were silenced for sharing your ID of a third party application on a players wall along with about 8 others less that two hours ago.
  3. Honestly, I wasn't even on here a couple hours ago.
  4. You posted it two hours on there wall. Please feel free to email support but they will tell you the exact same thing I just have.
  5. The only way that's possible is if my brother used it..... Ugh!!! I hate him so much right now!
  6. Right, your "brother", as in your fingers
  7. It's always the brother :roll:
  8. No I was at my friends house watching a football game and my iPod was at my house and my brother was at home.
  9. I am always honest on here. The first two times I got silenced it was my fault. And after I was silenced the second time I made sure I didn't say or do anything stupid.
  10. Well you still got silenced so get over it
  11. :3 Sometimes people gotta listen to the whole "brother"/"sister" story. What if he is telling the truth? Some people gotta listen to others before they open their mouths and become ignorant.

    Well than Tyler I have a question..How does your brother have your ID for this third party app?
  12. He uses my iPod from time to time and I use the same ID for everything.
  13. Oh eh I see. Well you should have told him the rules to this game..! If you would have told him than maybe you wouldn't have been perm silenced.
  14. I know but I didn't think he would actually post it on someones wall.
  15. Or post anything on this game. I'm just mad cuz I was talking to a couple people and I won't be able to talk to them anymore
  16. you know. Especially since mods are very hardcore now-a-days. It's hard for anyone to get away with stuff.