
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by pensive, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. Hi, this is quick and easy.
    Do you pee in the shower? Do you drink beer in the shower?
    Are there any other weird things y’all do in the shower that I’d be interested in?
  2. I rip fat clouds in the shower. ?
  3. I preform .. loud ..with a shampoo bottle and my imaginary audience
  4. I used to brush my teeth in the shower for efficiency
  5. This, and lots of dancing (get a non-slip mat for your shower please. Safety first.)
  6. Peeing in the shower is nasty but I like, I day dream a lot. And this:
  7. I think of better come backs I could’ve said during an argument I had 5 years ago
  8. I pee in the shower
    And cry in the shower
    And sing like once every few months
    And brush my teeth in the shower
  10. I practice my no supports
  11. I do pushups often in shiwer, idk why but i do. ?
  12. No one has said poop yet, so that's good
  13. I pull on the old goose neck in the shower sometimes
  14. He said "old", Beevis
  15. :lol:
  16. I wouldn't say i do anything abnormal in the shower per se. My cat will sit on the bathmat and cry for me to get out so i usually sing for her the whole time so she knows i'm okay. Idk if that's weird.

    I do take a lot of baths tho and i usually read in the bath or watch bath bombs or sometimes drink mimosas and watch shows/chat on the phone with ppl.
  17. Make sure you don't drop the phone qt, k?
  18. Vaping in the shower
  19. Honestly I like to sing in the shower. I also like to think about the day/upcoming day. I’ll sit there and think about my crush. Or I’ll make up better arguments than what I actually said 
  20. i cut my ducks feathers in the shower 