Should I go for her?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by ILikeMyNewName, Apr 24, 2019.

  1. So I'm talking to this girl going into the Marines,and so far there's been a really great connection between us,she's 19 but mature af and her personality is amazing,but she's bi curious, and we're probably going to fuck b4 either of us leaves for the military, if all goes well and she likes girls for sure should I try to make a relationship out of it or would it be a waste of time?
  2. Go free. Tell her what u want.
  3. Let it go , love is a waste
  4. Now that's just a lie lol
  5. Do what you feel like doing. Otherwise you might regret it later on or think about "what-ifs".
  6. That is true,but this girl is the best girl personality wise I've ever met,I wasn't attracted to her looks at first(she's pretty,just not my type) but after getting to know her and stuff,the way she carries herself is attractive af
  7. wait, people actually have a "type"? i thought that was just a movie thing, my bad?
  8. My type: All types. ?
  9. You should definitely let a whole bunch of app strangers decide for you, that was step one obv
  10. Are you into monogamy, or open to polyamory (in any form, be it an sexually open relationship, a third party, etc)? If monogamy, and she's actively seeking to settle her curiosity, wait. If she's just curious, and you're open minded to options later down the track, you may as well try. If it doesn't work, then at least you tried. Just don't criticise her if the relationship doesn't work and she needs to move on and find herself though. You'd be going into this knowing it's a possibility!