Shamrock Around the Clock

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Mar 6, 2018.

  1. I was going to open with an Irish pun but I didn't want to Seamus all.

    New Stories with a Twist

    The annual St Patrick's Day pub crawl start today and this time you are leading the crowd!

    Pay attention to special instructions on your phone for a chance to earn St Patty's Day rewards and prizes!


    What do you call an Irish person that's been out all day?
    Patty O'Furniture.

    I'm going to excuse myself now.
  2. Balls๎’๎’
  4. Love it
  5. i didnt pay attention tell em to recall smh
  6. Ewww....luck I'll get 999ec
  7. Awesome ๎„†
  8. another hunt another day. I remember when their used to be breaks between hunts.
  9. Same ):
  10. Those times are long gone
  11. Those were good times