Shake up for spin sets

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Kefo, Jun 1, 2019.

  1. Hi fellow pimdians. Are you bored of the spinner sets? 1 animal, 3 boring items, all the same stats. Same number of them make a set, all sets are 300kcs? Same.

    I have 2 radical ideas for spin sets which might just rock your socks! Mainly because the last 2 people I traded with wanted more Crystal items and more Russian items, I propose a crystal golem spin set, made by combining 8! 8 crystals. Black, purple, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and white CRYSTAL GEMS of varying geometry into one awesome balls Golem!

    And another to represent a classic Russian toy, a set of Babushka dolls or single one, where larger dolls have more stats and you need less of them than the smaller wittle babushka cores! All painted different colours, with different clothes and designs... They don't have to be traditional!

    I'd get hyped for these. Would you?
  2. I didn’t read but you totally have my support
  3. Sure. What would your proposed stats of the combined item be, and would you still need to collect 5 of each or would you make it a bit smaller since you would need to collect more individual items?
  4. I didn’t read either, Bc I can’t but I support
  5. stop drinking maybe youll be able to
  6. The stats could be up to them tbh. I think in general just any change is good. More stats on the sets would be good to gain interest.
  7. Fixed.
    I think they should be 5,000,000/5,000,000 and all items non-tradeable or giftable
  8. Can you not expose me like this
  9. Sounds cool. I've been neglecting the spinner lately but something like this would make me use my spins I've saved.

    I don't find the speed ups or peace tags useful and they make up a big portion of the spinner now.
  10. Peace tags have like a .01% drop rate though, according to ATA. I'm not sure the exact speed up drop rates but I've gotten a few and I spin every time I reach 100 tokens. I find those useful though, especially the pet leveling ones.
  11. What exactly is a Russian item? Other than “something from Russia” that would differentiate compared to just any item in general
  12. Items that refer to arts culture. avatars doing the hopack, allusions to performances such as the nutcracker, (though now that I think of it that's already an item), babushka/matroyshka dolls,

    Kremlin (+Tsar Kololol's bell)
    St Basil's basilica

    Collectible books from notable russian writers, especially Dostoevsky

    Items that refer to military culture.
    Kalashnikovs, a model Tsar Cannon

    Culinary culture:
    Stroganoff, pelmeni, borscht, cabbage rolls, Vodka,

    The one item that I thought existed:
    Their flag on the 2016 dormlympic pins

    These are the most iconic symbols I know of that can be turned into items from Russia, but the dolls are by far the best known, possibly even better than the flag.
  13. Support... Also put Avis and furni back in.
  14. U have my support my friend
  15. Support! Good to hear new ideas
  16. Sounds hot support
  17. I'm soooooo down but I also dont want Crystals becoming more popular. I want them all Kefo!