Seriously’s Goldfish Raffle

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seriously, Mar 1, 2022.

  1. After momentarily traveling back in time, I have decided to continue the goldfish raffle. It’s been an awful while, so here’s the gist of it.

    -Entry= One (1) Crackers the Goldfish+ Commenting “Entered” on this thread

    -All entries must be sent to @Seriously via GIFTS

    -Remember to send AND comment or your entry will not count

    -Only 1 entry allowed PER PLAYER (no alts)

    Canis the Dog Familiar 499 (starred in inventory)

    *This raffle will end on March 8th at changeover

    TL: DR
    Send me a goldfish, comment “Entered” on this thread, have a chance to win a 499

    Good luck to all
    Seriously 🤍
    D-e-m-i, Blushing5, Lileh and 2 others like this.
  2. entered 💃
    Juanicorn likes this.
  3. Entered 🦈
    Juanicorn likes this.
  4. Entered 🐠
    Juanicorn likes this.
  5. Entered 🦐
  6. Entered
  7. Entered 🌝
  8. I entered the thing 🦦
  9. Entered ♡︎
  10. entered
  11. Entered
  13. ENTERED 💜