serious question

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *NilaGoesBackToSchool (01), Sep 24, 2011.

  1. Lol, Why do all asians look alike ?
  2. Ummmm...... This could start a few arguments good luck 
  3. This out to be interesting
  4. They say we all look alike too -_- so idk 
  5. They don't look alike...
  6. I'm not cam whoring right now so suck it.
  7. This reminded me of something onion news did about that missing girl. And people kept calling in saying it's her
  8. Lock this thread mods. This racist bitchy OP needs to go back to school and get expelled. 
  9. Can i just point out......
    It doesn't really matter if someone has purple skin or hexagon eyes, we should look beyond the surface and see the person inside 
  10. Asians have purple skin and hexagon eyes? 
  11. This fail troll has been here before. Ignore it
  12. >_<. No they don't. They have yellow skin and slanted eyes.
  13. Oh ok  i was gonna say i want to be purple too 
  14. I wouldn't be purple, i would be red 
  15. That's what racists say. 

    This is ne from a pic:


    Indeed the lighting was yellow. >_>
  16. I'd be purple like everyones favorite pedo dinosaur Barney  red like this foot ? Lol
  17. Omfg  i love barney the dinosoar  hes awesome 