September Spinner Items - Interplanetary Lava Lamp

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 31, 2016.

  1. Each week a single September Spinner Item will be available in the Prize Spinner. It will be there for that week only, after which it won't be back again.

    Mars Orb
    (Available 8/31 - 9/8)


    Earth Orb
    (Available 9/8 - 9/15)


    Moon Orb
    (Available 9/15 - 9/22)


    Lava Lamp
    (Available 9/22 - 9/30)


    This month, you'll only need to collect 1 of each to have them automatically combine into...

    Interplanetary Lava Lamp


    Collect them while you can!
  2. we demand uranus
  3. Oh great another one
  4. Took you a while to post...
  5. I like it :lol:
  6. I love this spinner set 
  7. Atleast it only takes one
  8. So since we can own 10 max mars orbs dose that mean we can own 10 lava lamp sets of it it still just one set per person like the august margarita the bartending bird set ?
  9. I love this set just not the weekly item concept.
  10. Still dont get it
  11. This is cute and all but please calm down :?
  12. Well... At least it looks alright. I give you a slow unsure applaud until I can find something to be sceptical of. Good job.
  13. No you cannot drink the fluid in my lava lamp, drunk guy ?
  14. I thought i spent to much time lurking in forums ?

  15. This is priceless 
  16. Is the max 1 to own?
     -MrsSmash_De_Saison-
  17. I Asked for this Item in Feedback ?