
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, May 9, 2021.

  1. Are we more sensitive now or were the older generations just more insensitive... I always be hearing how the younger generations are more pússified and how they don't make em like gandhi anymore and sometimes some people do seem like they make big deal out of things that imo shouldn't be big things but it does make you wonder have we become more sensitive or has the previous generations just built different
  2. Yes. I heard a lot of the younger generation were glorifying Fidel Castro and were pissed at anyone who said he was a tyrant.
  3. From what i seen older generation was tort keep mouth shut dont talk about feelings it doesnt matter just get over it and keep working. But now days people want to help fix mental health
  4. I’ve noticed first hand the younger gen doesn’t feel like they should be inconvenienced in any way. No matter what or where, anything they don’t want to do they act like they shouldn’t have to do. Not only that but expecting to get everything by putting in minimal to no work. I’m not saying that there aren’t areas where society could improve, but life isn’t always sunshine, you can’t have everything you want. I’m tired of seeing people out for blood every time their feelings get hurt.
  5. Newer gen are entitled sensitive little bitches
    Kefo likes this.
  6. Agreed. Any female born after 1993 can't cook, all they know is McDonalds, charge their phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat Hot Chip and lie.
    IcyPenguin, Muschi and LetsGoBrandon like this.
  7. Kefo calling us out over here as I, a female born after 1993, is charging my phone, is bisexual, and eating Hot Chip 🖐🏼🥲

    I’m sorry pls-
  8. Bingo!
    eileen likes this.
  9. Kefo is correct. But also, it's just history repeating itself.

    Hag likes this.
  10. Facts
    Kefo likes this.
  11. Anyway I believe majority of percieved "new sensitivity" is just due to the internet and voices being able to be amplified on it. People in the 70s that were overly sensitive couldn't make a tweet about it that gets 100k likes in an hour and gets a news segment because of it
    Kefo likes this.