Selling hypnocat

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Joe_Kenda, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. I am selling a hypnocat. 45B dvp starting. Wall me offers. Ill try and remember to check forums but ill most likely forget.
  2. Counter offer- a horse mask, a bear chocolate and a kiss gift plus a hire
  3. No thank you
  4. Counter offer- a high five
  5. 45b... id settle for 44b but i doubt you even got it
  6. not buying cos you doubted!! :evil:
  7. One ice cold zolt cola , a porta potty and one of my mixtapes
  8. No thanks. I need the cash to start my cash stack.. so only cash please
  9. 24b dvp since you ignored me.
  10. My tutor for ur cat. Lol
  11. John i ignored you because you didnt reach my minimum
  12. Your cat is overpriced by 15b
  13. Um cats are 30b dvp so no one will buy them bruhhhh
  14. You're like a woman thinking your hypnocat is worth so much...honey, truth is I can get one down the street for much cheaper. Same payout too. 
  15. Ill trade one tp