selfie avatars

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PartyInMyDrawls, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. i saw something about having our selfies as avatars. please weigh in on this. i think its pretty dumb, but others are saying its a good idea to reduce scamming... lol like tf? how will having a profile pic reduce your risk of getting scammed? i might be failing to realize the good of this so please help me understand.
  2. Ohh that's a dumb asf idea so you're not alone.
    I mean of someone looks a lil decent and tge whole army of creeps will start stalking them and if someone is ugly by their standards then there will be an apocalypse of hate comments on that persons wall.
    Also it's against the whole privacy aspect.
    Plus even if profile pics are introduced not everyone will use those which will defeat the whole point of saying that it will lessen the number of creeps coz that's a dumb idea to begin with.

    It's dumb and you're right so don't bother reading my paragraph before.
  3. Because if you use your selfie as an avi or selfie avi people will know what you look like so if you scam them they can go beat the shit out of you LOL so this is how it will reduce scamming.
  4. ? by beating the shít out of them tbh.
  5. ^ yes ?
  6. im talking to a friend about it. and he said he'd been scammed out of booty pics bc he sent a girl 4 bentos some cash kcs gifts and a few pieces of furni (a bed, bookcase, a chair two rugs and minor pieces ) i told him if he would have just watched the hub he wouldnt have been scammed. so it wont reduce the risk of someone scamming you i think it'll increase it tbh. bc someone can go find a pic off myspace or something put it as their profile pic and get trusted then BOOM ur scammed.
  7. CATFISHES tbh?
  8. No. Just, no.
  9. Wow... a new way to catfish ?
  10. This is why you don't send first. And reverse search the images on Google, unless you're married to your hand like me. I see my hand's booty all day, everyday
  11. no... only avatar editing I approve of is darksouls/elder scrolls style face editing.
  12. I can see why some people find it appealing but

    I think what would be a better option for more customizable avis is more like.. skin color/hair color type of stuff.
  13. Customise avis. I’m all for.

    But profile pictures.

    No, ?

    That’s what your socials are for?
  14. I don't want to scare people out of talking to me. So no soupport. :c
  15. Can u have a avi from other games
  16. Tbh if sending “booty pics” or anything further for pics for virtual profit has become so normal that people are unaware of the logic behind what it really is. You deserve to be scammed. Uninstall your life until you learn to use google. :?
  17. This