Secret Sanctuary

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *funkyhamster (01), May 22, 2011.

  1. Only one thought comes to my mind… run. They're coming, and no one can stop them. They have blood-thirsty mutants tracking you and the worst technology imaginable. But I have something too… a motivation.
  2. They killed my parents. They killed my boyfriend, they killed my friends. Worst yet, I had to sit there and hear their gut- wrenching screams as the monsters were sicced upon them and tore them apart. I heard their pleas, while I watched the shadows on the wall while I was chained there. I would get out. I would seek revenge. I WILL find the secret sanctuary, the only safe place left.
  3. I might be able to take a few characters...
    Does anyone think it's good???
  4. Wow I love it Hun 
  5. Thank you!!! I'm worried... It's my first story so…
  6. Awwh don't worry about it, it's brilliant just keep these updates coming 
  7. *flashback*
    I stared at the wall, by force of course, at the horrible black shadows showing my mothers death. These monsters. I winced. They never let us see the mutants before our death. No, they wanted to terrify us on the spot. Just a little earlier my mother had been telling me about the sanctuary. All of the rest of this continent had been taken over. However, this one island about a mile off of the coast was protected by some force. I would be safe there... But then again I had to cross over 5743 miles off terror. I didn't have a chance. Then I saw my mothers silhouette. I did have a chance, and I was gonna make it.
  8. Love it  hope she makes it 
  9. Richelle
    18 jet black hair
    Black tee
    Big flower shirt that shows shoulders
    Bag of spells and charms potions.
    Brown eyes
    Devious smile

    Loves bad luck but helps in anyway she can.
  10. You're probably wondering how the heck I got out of there. It wasn't easy. First of all, I had four of the mutts chasing me. Now, here, if you see one of those, you know your dead. The problem is, it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to see one. The camoflaugh into the background yet turn into a bright blood red when they attack. The worst is, they have the heads of your parents. Well, it looks like they do. They have savage teeth that are jagged, and no hair. They walk on all fours with a lion like tail which Is made of a medal substance. Their feet... Oh their feet. The have sharp claws, jutting out in every direction and when they spring… their pads howl in the pain of your loved ones. It's horrible... Their shoulder comes up to ours, huge. The look in their eyes... Remember, you feel like your looking in to your parents eyes. You see hatred and the thirst for your blood. They want you. Their voices are whispers, telling you that you are worthless and a disappointment. Now I have my mother, father, boyfriend and 5 yr old sister coming to kill me.
  11. Haha will tonight. I have to go to my baby cousins birthday party. 
  12. Hmm… I need a few guys and a girl or two. Btw, do you mind being bad
  13. Whoa... Well that was weird!!! Lol
  14. How I got out... Like I said, not easy. First, I had the guards wandering every 10 minutes. Second, my hands were chained to the wall. I only had around an inch of space to move my hands. Luckily, being starved to death means your flexible. After calculating what to do after I had to watch my mothers tortured shadows, I realized a loose stone on the cobble stone floor. It was small. With my foot I toed it toward me. When it was close enough, I rolled it on a rough spot with my foot. It sharped a little. I grabbed it between my feet and bent them over my head to my hands. I used it to slam against my cuffs as quietly as possible. It loosened it slightly. I was afraid of what I had to do next. I started to cut a small amount of skin off of my wrist. My wrist smaller, it slipped through. Then the next wrist. Then, a guard unexpectedly rounded the corner.
  15. "HEY YOU!!!" he screamed. He had a gun. I was free from the cuffs and chains. I acted fast and chucked the sharp stone. It nailed him in the heart. I ran as he fell to the ground on his knees. I stopped, ran back and grabbed his gun. I smiled. It was a good, new one. I didn't know the name of it, but i knew it could slow the mutts. They wouldn't die, but it would slow them greatly. Luckily he had extra amo on him too. And a set of keys. I grabbed them all and ran to her brother and sisters' cells. I freed them and they ran. When I turned, they were gone.
  16. I can't write probably for another 3 hrs or so. Maybe more. 
  17. Arical
    Black hair
    With blue eyes