So Im just gonna post story my friends confessed to me or even my experienced nut you guys wouldn't know anyways . Real life friends or pimd friends. I'm not gonna spill who they are I'll just reveal their story. The confessions I'm going to post here CAN be fake or true, butni suggest just enjoy the confession, you don't know you might read one about you??? If you guys want me to post some of your story whether you made it up or not, just wall me about it then we'll talk well here it goes. (First try) ??????????????? Did you ever had a friend that just ticks you so bad? That he or she always opposes to what you want or whatever you say?! Well that's really annoying?! I have that kind of friend, who ALWAYS irritates me to the bones. I've done nothing but be nice to that little creature. I know I'm not that fair skin, but hello!!! Look into the mirror @!#*% cause your face is covered with a @!#*% acne! That's right! So before YOU could judge me... Try looking into the mirror first midget! -Annoyed friend