You've run away from home. You met with a group of people who are like you, a runaway. You found out about this group through carvings on walls and news reports. The groups name? Savages. You plan on never seeing your parents/relatives/whatevers ever again. Live your life as you try to survive the life of a savage. Rules: -No continuous swearing/cussing -Can't be perfect Skeleton: Name: Age: (10 or above) Looks: Why you ran away: Personality: Extra: (optional)
Kaitlyn 17 Looks: Shy Timid Easily scared Timid Bashful Kind Loving Clever Agile Ran away because her whole family abused her and called her a freak because she was introverted and still is Elizabeth 10 Looks: Childish Kind Sweet Funny Needs Role model Also needs a strong adult figure Shy Bashful Clever Abused until she almost died.
Sorry guys, Forgot something: New Skelly: Name: Age1o or up) Looks: Personality: Why you ran away: What you packed: Extra: (optional)
Name: Aqua Renetta Mirage Age: 18 Looks: ... x640%20(61).jpg?m=1345089953 Why you ran away: her parents expected too much Personality: To be revealed What she packed: In a suitcase: A tent, unperishable food, her resume, her electronics, clothes, a katana, a pistol
Ok I'll just add what they packed Kaitlyn: since she has read up on the subject and planned very carefully she has packed warm clothes, several tee shirts and her favorite blouse. Some pictures, some jeans and other pants. Iodine tablets. All the cash she could find/steal from her family/ save up. Food, rope, 2 pocket knives and 2 tarps. She wore hiking boots. All in a backpacking backpack. (they're huge) she has a lot of knowledge and wilderness experience. Elizabeth: since she's so young she packed a few of her fav clothes. Some shoes and socks her favorite stuffed animal (a stuffed giraffe named Sir George Parker the III) some band aids, her favorite book, her tooth brush,a small amount of $ and a few pictures.
I'll just add that Aqua brought a bunch of stolen money from her parents, and she's been camping all her life, she also brought matches, a lighter, and unscented candles, oh, and rope>
Kaitlyn: also has trained herself in several mArtial arts and is a very accomplished fencer so she can handle a sworn and brought all 3 of her Fencing swords.
(actually attatched to the back of her backpack it's very possible. They are lightweight and easy to carry but what ever only 1)
Oh, and since Aqua is Japanese/Australian, she knows how to handle the Katana and daggers, as well as karateeeeeeee, oh and taekwondo, and judooooooooooooooooooooooooo