Sadness, Death, Diarrhoea

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed34360, Nov 3, 2021.

  1. What is love?
    I look above.
    It ain’t a glove.
    It takes work,
    And even then it might be no dove.

  2. Love is just a way to have sex.
  3. 😂 I don’t exactly know. I just heard a comedian say something on the television, and then I went from there.
  4. That’s certainly one view.
    Muschi likes this.
  5. Weird
  6. That’s one word for it.
  7. Beautiful
  8. That’s the goal. 😉 Thank you.
  9. What is love?
    Baby don’t hurt me
    Don’t hurt me
    No more

  10. Bravo
  11. In my opinion, ladies and gentlemen, analbumcover is the key to love.
  12. "RHEA writes in her DIARy while she sits on the toilet with diar-rhea"

    That is a little saying that my friend told me
    to help me remember how to spell diarrhea. Memorize it, and you will never misspell that word again 🤗
  13. As with honor and honour, there are two ways to spell the word. That is a funny memory device though. 😂 You seem to be a fount of butt related knowledge. 😂
    This_Is_Jessie likes this.
  14. Imo, the unconditional factor is what makes love, love.
  15. That’s a good point, but does anyone truly love unconditionally?
  16. I mean Not all love is unconditional, some turns unconditional, some ends up being symbiotic love, and that is okay too.
  17. But is there even unconditional love? It sounds like a fairy tale. There is always something you could do to cause the love to end.
  18. Personally I believe in unconditional love.
    Could it be a fairy tale? Who knows.
    Is it possible to do something that could cause love to end? You betcha son.
    But at the end of the day none of that truly matters, imo.
    Life is short, we are grains of sand compared to the billions of years the universe has been around so why not love and be loved, and give it the very best at it? If it blossom into something that lasts your whole lifetime, that's wonderful. If it only lasts two years, wonderful.