Sad 25/8

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Klance, May 15, 2019.

  1. You ever get so in your feels that you’re always sad? Cause same lol. My depression and anxiety really came for my throat this month ?
  2. This describes my whole entire life tbh I’m constantly battling against my emotions & the anxiety that wants to take over my life. We’re all in this together bb, we can do it just keep swimming~
  3. You get used to it
  4. You need to make a list of things you're thankful for
  5. What a lame hippie response
  6. Couldn’t feel you any harder tbh
  7. I have a gratitude book I am supposed to write in... I don’t be the thought was a good idea lol
  8. You should try using it for awhile.

    You know the saying, "You are what you eat"? It should actually be, "You are what you consume.". Because you put more than just food in your body. If you put some positive thoughts in, you'll get some positive thoughts out. It's just breaking the habit of consuming negative thoughts that's the hard part.
  9. I try to keep busy so I'm distracted when I start feeling that way. Teach yourself a skill or spend less time alone. The more you brood over whatever it is, the worse it gets.
  10. Yeah depressions kicking my ass lately
  11. Honestly I see all of y’all and I just have to say: I’m blaming the stars at this point 
  12. What did those innocent, shapeless objects of hydrogen and helium do to you ☹️
  13. I meant astrology ?