rubiks cube

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *PartyTime321 (01), Oct 8, 2011.

  1. Who knows how to solve 1 I need help
  2. Remove the stickers and rearrange them
  3. That's cheating
  4. Lol

    Viva La Resistance.
  5. Nice colored text I for got how to do that
  6. My friends dad taught him some confusing algorithm. Once, I spent 15 minutes messing one up, and he solved it in 5.
  7. Cool I can get the first 2 rows and the center piece on the 3rd row
  8. Go to YouTube
  9. I have tried that it is not so helpful my friend can solve them and he is teaching me
  10. O my friend can in 1 min
  11. The guy on pursuit of happiness can do it in 4 minutes 
  12. I just want to know idc how long it taked
  13. Any tips on it who can solve 1
  14. Look on YouTube, I can solve one in 1 minutes and 15 seconds
  15. Type in to google, there are tutorials