RS war by Cats R Gross

Discussion in 'Wars' started by wotm80, Mar 11, 2017.

  1. Cats R Gross brings RS war

    You and your rs will be in different teams
    War is on April 2nd 12pm GMT
    It's a 24 hours war
    There are two categories: 7mcs-25mcs and 25mcs+
    Fill the form below to register for you and your rs

    Register for 7mcs-25mcshere
    Register for 25mcs+ here

    1) In the form, fill the ign of the dominant partner in your rs under dom and the ign of the other partner under sub
    2) If one of the partners is between 25mcs-28mcs and the other partner under 25mcs, register for 7mcs-25mcs
    3) If one partner is 28mcs+ and other under 25mcs, register for 25mcs+
  2. Or nah.

    My rs is a cat cafe skrub.

    Aphro rs me

  3. Good idea my rs inactive AF tho  good luck
  4. Edit: war on April 1st 6pm GMT
  5. What about the people who don't have rs's or they are inactive?
  6. Also will this be a locked roster war?
  7. They aren't eligible lol...and yes it'll be locked roster
  8. Erm me vs my rs? I can't even get through him when he uls on jobs ??‍♀️
  9. My RS won't join but I want to
    No stag entry ?
  10. No entry for u m8
  11. If only my rs was willing :( I barely got him to start the side story
  12. my rs wont join :(
  13. I wonder how many people actually signed up
  14. If I would have if it wasn't for that stupid rs thing smh
  15. and i dont war, i make love
  16. I don't make love I make babies