RS Stories

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Spider-Girl, Apr 26, 2019.

  1. earlier today I began to wonder about people's relationships in the game. I know many might just be stat relationships, but I like learning about people and I'd like to hear your rs stories.

    some basic questions that come to mind are... How did you meet? What were first impressions? What's the best thing about your rs? Did the relationship blossom outside of the game? What made you stay with this one? Whilst those are the main items I am seeking for, feel free to mention funny things you do together, interests, common enemies, etc.

    ♡ My Story ♡

    our first messages

    The pictures are pretty self explanatory. Eventually we started to get to know each other more. Haz is from Australia and I am in the US, so there are a lot of "good morning" messages as one of us is going to sleep. The time difference isn't a huge toll on us, I think we try to talk at least three times a week.

    At one point I wanted to try to communicate through other means, but due to my irl boyfriend Haz didn't think it was a good idea to have out-of-game communication. After that minor rough patch of feeling rejection from an internet friend, we began to talk as old mates again and kept our boundaries to the game.

    Haz has been my rs since I started the game. He is very kind and appreciate the chats we have here and there. I believe I learned a lot of my pimd start stuff from him in the beginning. I like making new friends, but out of all the people I've meet he's one I'm still in touch with frequently.

    I wouldn't ask for a different rs because we just click. I like when he asks about my day (when its night and I'm half asleep) or sharing excitement over the little things in life. And in all honesty, I'd be weird if "SIMPLYHAZ" wasn't under my relationship tab :'D

    Small fun fact: he is one of the few people on this app that knows my real name. Majority call me Spider, SG, or Spidey.

    Final Words

    Thank you so much for your time if you decide to read this post! I hope you'll let me know about you and your rs' journey so far :)

    I apologize for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. I did try my best to make sure this was carefully read through and how I wanted it to look when posted.
  2. Like 4-5 years ago I had my first rs and she was co owner of my club at the time with me, my current rs was one of the members, my rs ended up quitting the app days before valentines hunt where having an rs mattered because hunt drops were added together. So I started new rs with my club member for the hunt and we’ve been rs for like 3 years now, she has an irl rs who’s on here also but she rs me cuz I dunno she accepts putting up with me daily, we are v close and she knows details about me (and vice versa) that nobody else on here knows of me. She’s one of the very greatest people I’ve met on this app in my 7 years here and like I could type more but yeah that’s good enough. She’s fab in all ways and I would hate to lose such a friend. -end
  3. Aww this is cute. I can’t contribute tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Honestly my RS and I met in a random group chat. Someone I befriended added me into it, and that’s how I met him basically. My first impression of him...not much honestly? (I think he offered to suck my toes in exchange for a 999 ) But then again I didn’t really know him. Over time though, I’ve had some pretty interesting conversations with him, and I’d say we’ve been through just about it all together. As much as I trash him in pub, and just about everywhere really, he’s a very good person. I can’t name a best thing about him, because it’s honestly just everything. Outside of the game I’d say we’re good friends, he’s always there to listen when I need it. I really adore him so much as an individual. And as for what makes me stay with him as my RS, I guess I can say we just work well. Very complementary.
  5. Oh I read the title as rp stories and got really confused. Up the rp game plz.
  7. Um my very first rs i went and found myself. I was walling everyone who was same stats as me (was 200kcs) and offering to ask cuz i still had my free askout. The chick i ended up rs-ing liked to beg for my items and make unfair trades where i usually gave her more. Tbh i think she was an alt. I ended up getting pressured by the club i was in at the time (poison apples) to break rs because they were getting hits because my rs was an item scammer it turned out. I didn't wanna leave club so that was the end of that.

    After that, I RS-ed this dude Ny who was super chill and I liked him a lot. We rarely chatted which was nice but he's one of the ppl i didn't mind talking to in pm once in a while. We ended up breaking rs because i had a very toxic obsessive friend who didn't want me RS-ed to a guy.

    I ended up getting another RS who was also a guy but he usually used female avis. I forget his name. Either way, my crazy "friend" harassed his wall and shamed me and told me to break rs. I felt bad for him so eventually i did.

    Then it was 2 black fridays ago. Some chiky, also known as Friday, offered to rs me and then went inactive. She would login and we would chat every so often. My "friend" tried to harass her but my rs was much more annoying and would try to convince my "friend" to sell her entire showcase for low amounts of dvp whenever they spoke. Was kind of funny.

    Then after that was recent valentines day where I rs-ed Callum, Alicia, some randos and Krazy. And now i am single again tada
  8. Oh i forgot one. Before Ny i had this really sexist dude as an rs. He was from India and had very antiquated ideas about women. If i got too busy to chat with him and he snapped at me for it and i retaliated he would tell me "i don't want back talk from a woman." It was ridiculous. He ended up saying we couldn't be rs because i wasn't making enough effort to be friends with him and he told me to pay him several mcs so he could break the rs. Which i did a pushover sometimes.
  9. Jesus, what a jerk
  10. If they say “I’m a nice guy/girl” you know you made a mistake.
  11. Man now I wanna rs Wednesday
  12. You’re cool despite your meanness tho
  13. Touching.
  14. If this ain’t the truth though.
  15. O why doe
  16. Just cause, my current rs is also inactive 90% of the time cuz it’s an alt
  17. ^ that's very common
  18. My rs and I met bc I was looking for an rs after a friend rudely broke after I spent 79 ecs to ask and he asked if his stats were good. I wasnt looking too much into my stats tbh. I would say we've become pretty good friends, we've been trying to talk more the past couple days.
  19. My RS is also my IRL boyfriend, so we met 10 years ago in high school. He was the edgy kid while I was the basic weeb. We became best friends irregardless of my cringy nature at the time, and we still held strong throughout these years.