Yes I said it tht disgusting word everybody goes crazy for Rp (roleplay) who in the right mind has time to sit on a cellphone (game) talking nasty NOBODY!! how do yuh even knw if their real? it could be you're grandfather for all you knw or you're old grandmother, but thts not my point my point is wc runs on RP so many people always asking, I suggest you go to church or find a hobby, go outside ride a bicycle find a real [GF] [BF] dnt waste your time RPING with ppl tht could be fake nun said :3 ^_> toodles
Ik its not just used has a form of "fun" I mean who really has the time to sit on their phone talking to strange ppl you dnt even knw even if its just "friendly" you dnt knw who's on tht other side of the phone!
I wish ppl would stop wasting time posting this bs on forums. 1St off the rp ppl you are crying about doesn't really come to forums. So wth is the point bringing it on here for. 2ed you are not them nor are they you. Do i like wc filled with spam of rp? No. But that is der life not yours.
Well let me see Ata is a social app,so aside from clicking on a party/player profile and hitting that's all youll be doing is talking to strangers on a online game
So what? Does it effect your life in some horrible way that you have to make a thread because people rp? Why do you fucking care what people do with their time?
"who really has time to sit on their phone talking to strangers" Why are you on this app then pretty sure the people you have met were strangers.
I'm not saying what people can or can't do with their life's, got choice I'm saying why even do it? theirs a real life people should be discovering :3....not saying do it or DNT your life do whatever you please
Because in a rp you can do something that u can't do irl usually If I could fight the physical incarnate of death itself and kill it by turning a piece of bubble gum into a diamond and spitting it through his head in the real world...well....yeah
in all honesty some ppl have met others on this game then did things to be with eachother in rl. And yes you did bcuz you made this thread to bash on rp'ers for not going out in rl to find it. Hell my best friend found a girl on her. They met up and she moved up right after. They also are going to be getting married. Stop judging ppl and let them live how they want and do what they want.