[ROSTER] Archfiends VS Cherubs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by gardenGn0stic, May 16, 2014.

  1. Bonjour, fellow PiMD players. We have finally matched the rosters for each team and it would be great if you could confirm your participation on my or SVG-AMIC1ZIA-‘s wall. We sure hope to see you there! And here are the two teams:



    1. SVG-AMIC1ZIA-

    2. SVG-AM1CIZIA-

    3. WhySoSeriousHaHaHaHaHa

    4. ---ketan

    5. HsH-_-JaSonKsiao

    6. -DeadlySpankingAngel-

    7. YourSUPERMAN—

    8. SVG-TheFaLLenMeanMrsDevil-

    9. SVG-TheFaLLenMeanMrDevil-

    10. i-clai_theDragonWarrior-

    11. FallenAngel

    12. Keithxodous

    13. -SIN-_JokerTheWarGod_-

    14. PH_Underworld

    15. GustavoFrings

    16. Flying-Fish

    17. R--Mason

    18. __Pheonix__

    19. SVG-Vi3Tr3Y-

    20. SVG-LeMang-

    21. iStoleAndHumpedUrHypnoC-_A_-T

    22. PE-Bonquiqui

    23. SVG-TheFaLLenRanRan-

    24. rajmshah

    25. -_A_-Kyle_The_Enforcer-

    26. Slack_LOVE_PiePie

    27. ZU-Luxuria-

    28. Rod3oQu33n

    29. HeroicDerp

    30. Xx-Ana-xX

    31. zbom



    1. SVG-TheFaLLenMeanMsIoana-

    2. iCegaL

    3. Handsomehunk

    4. Tomol

    5. Rainebow

    6. Speckky

    7. –Kris_L_Nat-

    8. BlakeJarrell

    9. Keithsodous

    10. R--oyaleLatina

    11. Webby

    12. –BabyMochi-

    13. R-R-Dead-Renagade

    14. Dollicious

    15. -Ninzy-

    16. RdS-Justin_A

    17. ---V_IZanToLazyToFinishMyNa—

    18. AshwTheMaleBodyInspector

    19. ElisisRayhart

    20. Im-BAD-AtPhillingYouUp

    21. Xerneas

    22. -AD_C4_The_Bomb_

    23. Dewzle

    24. FiiSH

    25. -MvP-Laffin-Ceeho-

    26. ___xvl1l-KennyDontCare

    27. RaeHyde

    28. iNitaAdoreMarksNoodle

    29. --MizNatie--

    30. Clayjunior

    31. R--oyale_B3RRy_LatinaSpice___

    Reminder: The war is going to be declared at 3am GMT and it’d be highly recommended if you could be deemed active before 10am GMT.
  2. Pardon my mistake, CrazyRed is also Archienfds, while keithsodous is in Cherubs
  3. Are you gonna wall the players? In the time of declaration?
  4. Where is my name
  5.  you're in archfiends. I thought I'd put you in there. My apologizes !
  6. Ur opp slacky

    U 4got me LoooL naughty Ioanzy 
  7. Cherubs Slacky . lol
    . I got so confused. I thought . I put you first on the list Redzy and then I forgot 
  8. The color IT BURNSSS.
  9. YESSS  WOO LOL 
  10. Damn, I feel like a total badass, I made it into the big leagues B)
  11. :lol: the big leagues ?
  12. This was a 200kcs and up war. I'm 92 kcs .
    Small package of badassery right here
  13.  you fit right in, phill.
  14. I think you have me there twice as #10 and #31. lol.
  15.  i probably thought i wrote redzy's name, that's why you're there twice. My bad
  16. Can I be on the fill in list if someone drops out 
  17. I had asked to keep me n my pup on same side. I had signed her up. Anyway good work