Bonjour, fellow PiMD players. We have finally matched the rosters for each team and it would be great if you could confirm your participation on my or SVG-AMIC1ZIA-‘s wall. We sure hope to see you there! And here are the two teams: CHERUBS 1. SVG-AMIC1ZIA- 2. SVG-AM1CIZIA- 3. WhySoSeriousHaHaHaHaHa 4. ---ketan 5. HsH-_-JaSonKsiao 6. -DeadlySpankingAngel- 7. YourSUPERMAN— 8. SVG-TheFaLLenMeanMrsDevil- 9. SVG-TheFaLLenMeanMrDevil- 10. i-clai_theDragonWarrior- 11. FallenAngel 12. Keithxodous 13. -SIN-_JokerTheWarGod_- 14. PH_Underworld 15. GustavoFrings 16. Flying-Fish 17. R--Mason 18. __Pheonix__ 19. SVG-Vi3Tr3Y- 20. SVG-LeMang- 21. iStoleAndHumpedUrHypnoC-_A_-T 22. PE-Bonquiqui 23. SVG-TheFaLLenRanRan- 24. rajmshah 25. -_A_-Kyle_The_Enforcer- 26. Slack_LOVE_PiePie 27. ZU-Luxuria- 28. Rod3oQu33n 29. HeroicDerp 30. Xx-Ana-xX 31. zbom ARCHFIENDS 1. SVG-TheFaLLenMeanMsIoana- 2. iCegaL 3. Handsomehunk 4. Tomol 5. Rainebow 6. Speckky 7. –Kris_L_Nat- 8. BlakeJarrell 9. Keithsodous 10. R--oyaleLatina 11. Webby 12. –BabyMochi- 13. R-R-Dead-Renagade 14. Dollicious 15. -Ninzy- 16. RdS-Justin_A 17. ---V_IZanToLazyToFinishMyNa— 18. AshwTheMaleBodyInspector 19. ElisisRayhart 20. Im-BAD-AtPhillingYouUp 21. Xerneas 22. -AD_C4_The_Bomb_ 23. Dewzle 24. FiiSH 25. -MvP-Laffin-Ceeho- 26. ___xvl1l-KennyDontCare 27. RaeHyde 28. iNitaAdoreMarksNoodle 29. --MizNatie-- 30. Clayjunior 31. R--oyale_B3RRy_LatinaSpice___ Reminder: The war is going to be declared at 3am GMT and it’d be highly recommended if you could be deemed active before 10am GMT.
Cherubs Slacky . lol . I got so confused. I thought . I put you first on the list Redzy and then I forgot