Rose cheated

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sherlockmysterydetective, Jun 23, 2019.

  1. Rose cheated on me some guy added me and told me omg what should i do
  2. Confrontation is always the answer
  3. I need details
  4. A guy added me and he said that she said she was single and wanted to get together the guy did some research and broke uo with her im going have a talk with rose
  5. Dude ditch
    She obviously wasn't loyal
  6. Is there proof that this happened? I agree with Maddi just talk to them and find out if it actually happened ?‍♀️
  7. do you have the receipts tho? did he send you ss?
  8. I think this all nonsense but tbh you did post about your online relationship all over forums. If this is real, there are lots of shìt starters who would say smthing like that just cuz they can.
  9. The guy is lying, bet he works for one of those secret criminal organizations you are investigating
  10. but like who is maria and cerry,, is rose the bad guy here or ??
  11. True
  12. ^^^
  13. Is maria and cerry based off of Mariah Carey's name and just spelt dif or is cerry pronounced cherry
  14. The guy saids hes a boxer and has won many times
  15. i’m assuming it’s cherry bc of the cherry on the wall, but i’m just going off on his status
  16. Hmmm should i forgive her
  17. Nah her new boxer bf might beat u up. Just let him have her
  18. That "boxer" guys sounds like ate em
  19. Snatch yourself a new høe.