Roll, X-Flicks Nd Chill

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Gimini__, May 10, 2020.

  1. Today's Segment

    Is Da Gasss

    Well smokers in general

    Feel free to talk strains
    Crazy storys

  2. 1 crazy story
    I woke up and some a gass blunt of some mids
    Went to get ready for work I lost my hat tell me my the dog jumps on me multiple times
    I thought nothing of it
    He does it alot
    But as I walked thru the dining room he literally jumps onto my face and boom the hat was on my head
    He earned so many bacon treats
    And I lost so many smart points
  3. The only strain I get is eye strain from constantly staring at a screen
  4. Pimd do that to you🤣
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