Robot Pineapples( I think )

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Legendary_, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. There is a lot of talk on campus of whats rp and i wanted to inform all Noobs once and for all what it means it Obviously () means Robot pineapples I believe so a wise person once told me actually now that I think of it they weren't very smart actually annoyed but oh we'll same story (SOS-Goddess_Teagan) told me it was that but recently people have said I'm wrong so wanted your opinion (yeah yours) to settle what's ur definition of RP (me? Ya u ) ok this was advertised by me 
  2.  whaaat? All this time I thought it was rolling penguins  MY LIFE IS A LIE 
  3. Real Perverts

    Ridiculous Poetry

    Real Parmesan (came out of no where) 
  4. Retard panda >:D
  5. Rapist Party
  6. Webby u offended that panda lol he or she came at perfect timing actually 
  7. Retro pinatas
  8. Sorry pandamy uncle is a panda so it was not to you 
  9. I'm starting to doubt that it meant robot pineapple but worth a fight 
  10. Rolling Puppies, clearly Lah 
  11. It may also be rabid puppy 
  12.  PANDA IS A GIRL 

    Raging Pillows 
  13. are you calling me stupid?
  14.  Jada obv 's me and Beanie Baby's emoji ""
  15. Umm no () what I mean is that particular day you were umm ... ( nothing left to do )
  16. Raunchy poop  xd