RIP Chadwick

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIlIllVash-The-StampedelIlIllI, Aug 30, 2020.

  1. RIP Chadwick, you'll be missed fellow human and a great soul.
    Fellow males or whoever biologically has balls, please get yourselves tested from time to time. Be safe and give your best towards life everyday as we won't get more than one of these.
    Atlas, Maddi_Matsu and Empress_ like this.
  2. I don't even know who he is. Just seen his name spammed on everything all of a sudden
  3. [​IMG]
    It’s this guy, The Black Panther
  4. Never seen it
  5. Y'all know you can show sympathy towards a young man who died even if you've never seen the films he was in, right?
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.