G'day Party Players and PvPers! Here's an explanation and my thoughts of the idea that I made and we would all love to do! So I went and looked at my thread and looked at all the players who supported this idea and I really do thank them a lot for supporting the idea. I mean literally like, seeing players supporting this idea of a hunt did my heart good. Now I was expecting some saying no support or this is a very nice concept but no support and I can understand that completely. Some say this is too childish or this is horrible, but I felt like this idea needed to be heard by all. Now I was expecting negative comments such as one on my other thread of adding in 4 avatars and new items and gifts. Some people say sonic sucks and Mario is better but it wasn't about who is better. Its about players having a break from all this luck and a break from paying so much on sending gifts. Also its not just for party people to have fun, but its also for players who love to PvP have fun as well. I wanted to bring the entire community of party goers and PvPers into this hunt that way everyone is satisfied. Now I know most of the party players would not support the PvP bit but you can't stop them from hitting the Battle Button and Fighting or Dancing you. It is part of the game. I also noticed players telling me that if you want to PvP go to KaW. Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but KaW is just much like this game. 90% of the players in KaW doesn't even like to PvP as well. So pretty much, that game is just like this one. You hit players in that game once or twice and they're gonna cry on your wall asking why you farming me or why you hitting me or what did I do wrong to get hit. Its the same thing on that game like it is on here. I also noticed that players didn't like the fact that when you battle other players, they can steal items off you and rings. Well let me be clear on that part. When you battle other players, you GAIN rings (meaning they aren't stealing rings from you, they're gaining rings by hitting you) with a SMALL chance of stealing rings from you (that means that chance is 3%). This DOES NOT include gift items (meaning items from the Gift Shop is EXCLUDED). They can, however, steal, items that you have obtained from the Master Emerald. This excludes Avatars (meaning your Avatars CANNOT be stolen at all whatsoever. If you gained an Avatar from the Master Emerald, it is PERMANENTLY YOURS to keep). I have also noticed that players are confused about the No Limit Drops. Ata will definitely agree on the No Limit drop on the Spike Trap. Although it is a stat item, the 1/1 is still better than nothing. I'm pretty sure Ata would change it and I would not be surprised, but the description on the Spike Trap does say,"Waap waap waaaaaaap" meaning better luck next time. Obviously people are going to be mad about having a Spike Trap constantly (if that ever so happens) but as I said before, the more you turn in an Emerald Shard, the chances of you gaining an Avatar increases. This means Luck DOES NOT play a role at all. It simply means you are getting a break from always having a Spike Trap. Players are also confused at the No Limit Chibis. The Chibis are Party Drops. That means you gain chibis from potd, ppotd, ppa, and cc. They ARE NOT included in the Master Emerald. However, if you have gained all of the Avatars and maxed out in all the items, I'm sure Ata would let it be in the Master Emerald ONLY for those who have Maxed ALL ITEMS and gained ALL AVATARS. Now I'm glad that there are still players supporting this thread and I even had a couple of messages and people asking me if Ata is letting the hunt happen. I have emailed Ata for 2 days. The first day is when I submitted the idea, the 2nd day is when I sent Screen Shots of the comments on my thread and sent pictures of players in 3rd party apps talking about this idea and even those who thought this hunt was live. When I first heard that the idea was spreading not only in this game but also in 3rd party apps, I wanted the devs to see that it is being talked about a lot and even showed my enthusiasm and seriousness of players wanting this hunt to happen. CC and PPA is still involved in this hunt regardless of this hunt being PvP, so they will still get their money's worth. They told me the idea has already been turned in and submitted but ultimately, it is up to the devs if they want this hunt to happen. I know some players will say this hunt will never happen and they'll just throw it all away and tell me to sit down, but I believe that there is still a chance that this hunt can be brought to life and it can be something that everyone will love and enjoy. I am not saying this will be the best hunt, but it will definitely be a fun hunt. The only thing I can do right now is wait and be patient. But it won't stop there. I know Ata will be busy making hunt ideas especially for the holidays but I want to keep my hunt idea alive and well. I know I get negative comments and I get told down, but I get more support for my thread than all the letters they can count on their comment so they can go sit down somewhere. If they don't like it at all and think it sucks, then don't participate. Most of the community will and they know they'll have fun, you'll just be missing out on it so really, you'll be the one whining. As for others who strongly supports this idea and would actively participate in this hunt, I will make sure that Ata adds a bonus reward for participating in this hunt. It will be very deserving and it will be a thank you from me for letting this idea be live and supporting it til the end. Thank you for reading this thread and I also hope this idea can be live. If you do have anymore ideas that can be added to this idea I made, I am all ears. I want this hunt to be really fun to everyone in the PIMD Community. So please tell me what you think by following me and pm'ing me your ideas or by leaving a comment in this thread. Open Suggestions are always welcomed.
Me and another friend was talking about how a Grand Finale can be made in the final day of the hunt. So that's being talked about.
We as in the players who support this idea and wants this hunt to happen. As I said, I got more support from players than the letters in your comment can count. Go sit down somewhere.
you're trying really hard op. that can either be a really good thing or a really bad thing. good luck figuring out which one.
To some its a bad thing, to others its a good thing, to me, its an idea that has been talked about for a good while. As I said, I get messages asking if this will be an official hunt. I still get questions about how the PvP is and how the drops are. This is only an explanation of everything. So really, there's no trying, theres only keeping players who wants this hunt to happen up to date.
Lol its just explaining everything that I put in for my hunt idea. Obviously players who doesn't PvP was confused about the PvP way so I explained that along with what Ata has said and the items. Its also open suggestions for anyone who thinks ideas can be added along.