reset account

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Queen_Lara, Jun 8, 2019.

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  1. what will happen if you reset your account?
  2. You cannot reset your accounts anymore.
  3. ...But to lose your account you can disconnect it from an account (if you saved it. Ex. Facebook or email). If you haven’t then I believe deleting the game and redownloading will lose your current account
  4. Actually the account info is still saved even if you uninstall and reinstall without making an ATA acc or connecting w FB.
  5. Unless you factory reset your phone, your account details will be stored in the phone.

    Second option is to dislink from ATA account or fb account .
  6. Remove the link to your phone, Facebook, and email and then delete & redownload in order to lose/“rest” the account
  7. I don't think you can remove the link to your email. ?
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  8. I don't think you can remove the Facebook link through this app either. I think you would have to go in FB settings to disconnect the two. The only unlinking you can do is the device link.
  9. ATA doesn’t remove email or fb link. Ever. The account will just stay there inactive.
  10. Don’t workto remove
  11. This post is almost 2yrs old...
    Muschi likes this.
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