
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by __Spitfire__, May 24, 2014.

  1. Any of you guys remembered this 1 sheet of paper that determined if would get a whooping or not, this sheet was called a report card.
    Depending on who your parents were or how they reacted to your grades you would get either one of two things. A slap if failed, and a pat on the back if you got high grades. I remember how I always had high grades but then saw how everyday I did the same thing in school and same routine, my life became repetitive, so I stopped caring and decided to occupy my time doing something else, every 2-3 months my report card came in the mail and I just got a whooping. I don't miss them. This ever happen to you guys?

  3. I was smart...
    But My Attitude Was Shit
  4. I used to hide mine. Would usually get home and see the mail unopened. I'd just take mine to my room and depending on if it was good I'd show my parents.
  5. Oh god report cards  My freshman year I had all A's. Then by the time my senior year came around, I didn't care. wouldn't do homework. wouldn't be in class. I graduated with D's. But I remember a comment on my senior year final report card saying something along the lines "would've been a pleasure to have in class if she'd have showed up. Never did homework, always aced tests." Never got a whoopin though. Grounded a lot. 
  6. My parents never hit me :shock: but as for report cards, I always recieved great feedback until i joined academy. Then my attitude chamged and i mos behaved a lot but my parents understood. Seriously tho, getting hit by your parents? :shock: kill them with fire :eek:

  7. Panda is so sadistic
  8. Fuck. That brings my ass some memories
  9. I never got in trouble with my report cards I studied up and did well in all my subjects
  10. Mine was always good, my brothers wasn't tho 
  11.  I've never been in trouble with my report cards, though recently my grades were getting quite low, and my dad warned me to bring them up. Which I understood cause I only have this and the fall semester left, and he just was like "I know you don't wanna have to take another semester" and yea... I also don't get straight As, but I say I do pretty darn good.  Never ended with anything lower than a C. 
    I do online highschool by the way. 
  12. I Suggest .. They ban producing REPORT CARDS?
  13. If it didn't come within 2 days of the school announcing they sent them out I would be accused of hiding it. For some reason they're still interested in my grades despite the fact that I am now paying for my own education.
  14. Mine were always perfect so id just get promised certain rewards for maintaining those grades. Never got any of those rewards though
  15. i always got A's but the part where the teacher writes comments always said i had a smart mouth.... all because i used to call the teacher a.fat *****
  16. ^ see you should show respect to teachers.. Even though you just want to punch them in the face sometimes, if it weren't for them, you wouldn't have an education. You should always show the people trying to help respect, when in general show everyone respect
  17. teachers used to say I'm a good student and has potiential to be A OutStanding one. :lol: