Remember The Good Old Days in PimD?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Karina-The-One-And-Only, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. Man, those days bring memories to a lot of players.

    I remember my First club.

    I remember when we didn't have private chats , and we had to talk to each other from wall to wall.

    I remember when there weren't pervs. Or at least so many.

    I remember PimD from 2011.

    Now it's 2012 , I believe some of you players were here in 2010 In December, 2010 Didn't last to long to officially be a year I believe. Well maybe we Can share our memories from the Old days In PimD.

    Before we had private chats.

    Before we had A Lot of perverts.

    Before we had Gifts.

    Before the Update.

    Basically Before Everything.

    Share Your memories If you'd like.

    And Have A Happy New Year!

  2. I wish we could go back
  3. I wanna go back in time....
  4. what happened to blizzard?? :/
  5. blizzard is jace_balren.... and there's another blizzard in immortals...
  6. Jace_Belren is Blizzard I believe
  7. I loved the old pimd ahh the good ol days
  8. Ah December, good old days. Volleyed someone to 100k on my first day. They were #16 on the Value Leaderboard.
    Felt like a god back then. :lol:

  9. Eh. I made it before the gifts... An the Update, but sadly, I didn't download this app in time to escape the perverts.

  10. Wish I could go back.
  11.  I've only been here sine last June 
  12. I remember my first real club spider monkeys good old days :(
  13. I remember you aziza when I first started
  14. The first club I was in I ended up owning it.

  15. Yea Garret , and you're stronger than me.

    I Jelly . ._.
  16. No updates. There was like 2 mods. Oh I remember.
  17. I was here in January of last year
  18. Been here since June! 
  19. I remember when garret first came here.... Yeahhhh