Hi folks! PIMD has war loving players from across the world, so here's an attempt to bring players from each continent together against other continents Highlights The wars will either be 4 hours long or 6 hours. The schedule will be released once registrations are over. Time of the war will vary depending on the timezones of two teams warring Once the registration is closed you can only upgrade to max 1mcs until the league is over Registering for the war doesn't guarantee you a spot. Some players might have to be left out to keep the balance There will be two leagues running simultaneously, one for 5mcs+ and one for under 5mcs Registration Click on your continent and fill up the form to register For 5mcs+ Asia Australia Europe North America South America under 5mcs Asia Australia Europe North America South America Note: Since there aren't many from Africa on PIMD, Africans are clubbed with South America After registration, you can view the teams here and make sure your name went through: 5mcs+ under 5mcs If Youre interested in managing your side, please pm me. We need one manager for each side mods I requested for my first thread to be locked but y'all locked my other thread. Plz don't lock this one. TIA
There's a lot of ppl asking what tb is....tb means tutor bonus and you can find it on your profile page
Once you register, your team managers will contact you and any update on tb or rs has to be communicated to them or me so that we can update....DO NOT register twice
Also I wish you the best of luck, if you need any tips on a league surviving past the first day of wars, ask the disaster league organizers. .
So, the only thing you learned from the zodiac dumpster fire was make it one team larger and try again?