
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by libellule, Mar 21, 2019.

  1. Can anyone recommend any good games?(Downloading from App Store)
    I need something to entertain myself while waiting for regen lol??‍♀️yes I have no life
    Thank youuu
  2. It would be breaking ToU for us to recommend (aka advertise) other apps, unless we're telling you to download other ATA apps. :(
  3. aww man:(
  4. You can try private channels for recommendations though, like posting in your club chat. Those are not moderated for breaches of ToU like public channels and forums are.

    Or maybe people will see this and gift or PM you recommendations as well...
  5. Yeah we can only recommend kingdoms of heckfire safely lol
  6. :lol: don’t forget kaw
  7. And apparently something called Casino X???
  8. well thank you anyways! tbh I totally forgot about that lol
  9. No but what I can do is not recommend a game called party in my dorm I hear that game is a wreck
  10. I do suggest checking the offer wall. I like making ecs when I have nothing better to do. ?
  11. Yasss I second this ?
  12. I always forget about the offer wall, great idea and thanks for reminding me
  13. I had to laugh at this for a good 10-20 seconds ?
  14. there are only 2 offers for me, no matter how often I update..and those offers are pretty shîtty tbh lol
    ‚buy this thing for 40€ and get 145ec as a reward‘ when I could get 400ecs for 40€ if I just bought them directly from store lol
  15. Have you tried the park?
  16. Yes ofcourse here are some names -
    KoH- Kingdoms of Heckfire
    KaW- Kingdoms at War
