Reality plus Internet BULLY ISSUE

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Katedizzy, May 28, 2012.

  1. I have decided to make a vs. Thread specifically based on bullying in real life and online.
    What's this?
    Some people think escape from reality is by using the Internet but others think reality is better than the Internet itself.

    Why? Because on both sides there is bullying. Some people fit in better in the real world and others the Internet, basically.

    Bullying is everywhere and those who think there is an escape route will just discover more of it while looking for a safe haven. This is my personal opinion.

    Using an anonymous friend as an example to support the Internet, in the past my friend was made fun of for their sexuality. They got pushed around in school and beat up at home. They later discovered there were more people who they could relate to online and things have improved since then.

    To support reality, there was a girl who had many friends at school and was always interactive. However, online she was bullied anonymously by a group of people and didn't know how to handle this since she used Internet to interact with friends and so on. This is an example taken from an article I found online. I take no credit for this info found.

    Then there is the issue where someone is bullied online and offline. A kid named Ryan was bullied day to day at school and online by kids who knew him. He committed suicide because he couldn't handle the bullying. His father visited the school I attend and spoke about the bullying which led to Ryan's death.

    Then there are kids who aren't bullied at all and even defend others or don't decide to defend them.

    So... Why is this happening?
    People ask why is this becoming a big issue and my answer is because no one is taking a stand for the people who cannot stand up for themselves.

    Can we help end bullying?
    We as the electronic age of people CAN. Sites have made it so you can report a user or block them. In reality though, simply just by speaking up you can make a difference.

    Thanks for reading☆彡
  2.  well said... 

  3. Awesome thread 

  4. ._. It may just be me, but I don't like threads like this.
  5. Well I felt it fit the off topic category
  6. ._. i don't like when people talk about suicide(It gives me the chills), and normally bullying awareness does, so thats probably why.
  7. Ah that is understandable
  8. Bumping
  9. This is really true..
  10. Nice thread..and so true..
  11. Wonderful thread!!!

    Everyone should try to do their best and prevent this from happening. Stick up for someone, speak up if it's happening to you, or take a look in the mirror if you yourself are a bully.

    and people. We are all we've got!!!
  12. I've actually never really been bullied, but I still do agree with this thread 100%
  13. Shrugs shoulder

    Not bad well written has positive points, different and do far no trollers so I give it 
  14. This may seem controversial, but we cannot deny the fact that some bullies get bullied because of an evil thing called vengeance.

    The bullies might have been wrong. He or she might have done bad things. Or said offensive things. But always remember that two wrongs does not make a right.

    While standing up for oneself is noble; and reporting the incident to relevant parties is the right thing to do, plotting evil against another person is undeniably as bad as the bullying itself.

    Think about it. 
  15. (>^o^)> ɪ ƦƎʝⅇʗㄒ ℛℰᵃℒⅈϮㄚ A͜ℕⅅ ʂµɓՏナįƬųŧɛ ℳץ ʘωℵ <(^o^<)
  16.  very well spoken