farm·ing /ˈfärmiNG/ •What is farming? •Are there requirements? •How do you become a farmer? •Why is farming important? •Am I allowed to farm? Well my friends, today we will be discussing these overly asked questions and concerns I have read and/or received by many players in the PIMD community! Let's start out with the first question! What is farming? Farming is the activity or business of growing crops and raising livestock. Are there requirements? Be flexible. Be physically fit. If you think you can farm without crouching, bending, lifting, or pulling, you're being unrealistic. Other skills needed may include: •mucking out barns and stalls •climbing ladders or climbing up on top of grain bins •operating machinery like a skid steer, tractor or combine •killing pests like rats and rabbits •handling unruly animals that may harm you in some way •keeping on top of feeding and milking schedules •weeding or harvesting for 12 straight hours or more often with few to no breaks •applying pesticides to fields •slaughtering and butchering •euthanizing livestock •fixing and/or maintaining machinery, treating sick livestock etc. How do you become a farmer? 1. Are you even interested? Farming can be hard work.. If you haven't farmed before and have no experience, you'll want to be prepared to hear the question "Why do you want to farm?" and be able to answer it with confidence. 2. What kind of farm will you operate? Would you like to own and operate a crop farm? This includes grains, fruit orchards, berry farms and vineyards, vegetable production, hay production, livestock (including the raising of dairy cattle, hogs, poultry, horses, sheep, goats, beekeeping, etc..) 3. Get an apprenticeship. You might think you want to farm, but after trying it out you might change your mind.. Become an apprentice by offering your services as a laborer or a farm hand. This is the most critical step in becoming a farmer because you are working in exchange for an opportunity to learn, or gaining more and necessary experience as you work as a hired farm hand. 4. Once you feel you have enough experience, start planning a farm of your own. Why is farming important? Well, you like to eat, don't you? Am I allowed to farm? Lol, sure. Thank you to the PIMD community for taking your time to learn what farming REALLY is.
I guess so when you farm someone I guess you're really turning them into food or turning them into an animal.. Who knew? :lol: