Rating Previous Hunts.

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by IH--Bhargav--IH, Apr 24, 2019.

  1. So whenever a hunt is over and a new one starts, they always ask you if you enjoyed last hunt or nah. You can basically answer yes or no. But for me instead of answering that, I would rather like to rate the hunt on the count of 5. Because there are many hunt for which I have a mix feelings.
    You can rate the last hunt here if you find this thread useful. If it works I'll keep updating on the average count.
    For the last hunt I'll personally give 3.5/5.
  2. It really doesnt matter, all hunts are the same
  3. I think ambiguous ratings like yes or no or out of 5 stars aren't constructive. Giving comments and written feedback would be way more productive... so, ATA should encourage more people to leave reviews in the hunt announcement thread and ATA should actually take the reviews into account for future hunts.
  4. Support

    Constructive criticism if you didn't like it. That way pimd knows what's working.
  5. One of my club mates previously made a thread like this, how you should be able to give a brief explanation with why you like or dislike the hunt rather than just [stats]yes/no[/stats]
  6. I agree with the previous responses. They should add a small comment box saying something along the lines of “Tell us why:” or something other than an A/B system.
  7. Only problem with that is that there would probably be hundreds of people making useless comments like they already do in the announcement. Maybe they could provide the option to be directed to the announcement thread after you answer instead. Avoid burning their eyes to try and find good constructive criticism.