y'all. This is ridiculous. The rating system for RMR is trash. I have an alt account and this one entered with the exact same design. This account? I'm like 1200 something. That account? It's in the freaking top ten! It's not at all about the room but just ppl voting for worst dorms to give themselves a possible advantage. But then a bunch of shhty rooms win big. And there's an obvious way to try and solve it. We need to do it as a star rating system, that doesn't just compare two rooms. Ppl vote one room at a time, and rooms can get 1-5 stars for each vote. Then after calculating the total stars divided by how many ppl voted on it, the highest wins. Ppl still will mess with the votes but I feel like this is more likely to actually rate other rooms honestly. Please tell me I'm not the only one bothered by this 😑
There some room creations for which I would like to not give any star. Thought, remodelled the voting system would be interesting to see. Also, there is around 100 with the same 10 points for example so idk if we could do something within your idea to make it fair in the ranking. I hope to hear more from your idea. edit : You can also view this link to see the other comments of the other players concerning the RMR activity.
I would like to start by saying, as an avid furni collector aka hoarder, I loved the idea of RMR. I nail the theme every single time. I am not saying at all that I have the best every time, just that I have enough furni for each theme. I have never understood the process in which dorms are rotated for voting. Today it’s Party theme. I decided to use my alt to go through the voting using only skips to see all of the dorms. As of this second, I have been in voting for 3 straight hours. I have seen at least 20 of the same rooms 5x each or more and have yet to come across my main’s. Those of us who work hard at our collections and put a lot of time into RMR themes sit and watch every single time dorms that have zero or next to zero theme hit the top and win. It is so disheartening. There has got to be a better, more fair way to make sure all the entries are seen equally and fairly. I hope ATA is working on this. PS… If your entry is themed, please know I vote for you, because you deserve to win! 💖