Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _TK_Krayziie_Kokonut_TK_, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. Fucc all u racist ppl out there u wanna be sayin white power come down come down Sydney or LA, Cali...N get ur arse killed lad.....
  2. What??
    Please explain, in a less profane manner
  3. Look at my wall lad we got racist ppl n club called white power..
  4. Damn beer pongs mean
  5. CJS is ban ppls only who he not like ! Im told you about fasizm in pimd and you laught in it only .
  6. Okay, stop replying to him.

    He won't talk back now, I made sure of it.

    Profanity/Racism is an automatic silenced in PIMD, and is frowned upon by the mass majority.
  7. Polni, wherever you are getting these ideas from is crazy, and I recommend to stop visiting that crazy place.
  8. He renamed my club and told for im the permonently farm and banned metoo much for moder....
  9. Sydney or LA. They are a fair distance apart